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Taking a leave of absence? You have choices regarding your dues...




Taking a leave of absence can be a hardship for you and your family, but there are options to help ease the financial burden.

When going on an extended leave of absence, you can request a Temporary Withdrawal Card so that you do not have to pay union dues while you are on leave.  There are stipulations (your dues must be paid up to date and current when you make the request; you must pay dues for the first 60 days), but for members who are unsure of how long their leave is going to be, a Temporary Withdrawal Card is a good option.

If you know you are going to be taking a leave of absence, or if you have to take one unexpectedly, contact your Union office immediately.  Many times, an expected short leave of absence turns into an unexpected lengthy period of time.  Your Withdrawal Card does not go into effect until you have made the request - simply call the office and we will provide you with directions.  

There are two other stipulations for a Temporary Withdrawal Card.  When the Temporary Withdrawal Card is on file, you are not permitted to attend Union meetings, or to participate in a Union vote (should this take place).  This is something you may need to consider before making your decision about whether or not to request a Temporary Withdrawal Card.

Your employment/benefits with the hospital are not affected by the Temporary Withdrawal Card at all; neither is your membership with Local 40.

If you choose not to file a Temporary Withdrawal Card, you will need to make payment arrangements with the Union office manager.  A member who is three months in dues arrears is no longer considered a member in good standing.  If your leave of absence is brief, the hospital may take the deductions from your check to get you caught up after you return to work.  Please contact the office so that we may coordinate payments to assure that you remain a member in good standing.   

If you have any questions, please contact your union office at 586-948-3861, or email RNStaffCouncil@opeiulocal40.org.

Page Last Updated: May 12, 2023 (07:51:47)
RN Staff Council, OPEIU, Local 40, AFL-CIO, CLC
46819 Garfield Road
Macomb Township, Michigan 48044
  (586) 948-3861

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